

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

What i think about the elections

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I originally wrote this on my twitter wall, so i'll try to edit it to to be more suitable for the real world.

You can call yourself a free state but if the people "running" it don't have the free mindset, then they can't develop freedom.
It would be the same as a bunch of grave diggers started to do science with the knowledge they have and disregard all the other knowledge.
It would be the same as a bunch of communists with a communist, dictatorship mindset, started to promote capitalism, democracy, freedom.
So what i want to say is that politicians should not be elected by the people but by the people from a pre-selected sample of experts... We are currently oftentimes choosing popular people whose expertise is questionable and whos' intentions are questionable... Then there's the issue with the good intentions but lack in knowledge, expertise which can very well lead into something horrible. Good intentions are not the magic wand that'll solve everything without any knowledge, wisdom.

...Right now, anyone with half a brain can get elected, when they can fool their voters, have enough campaign dollars and popularity.
I don't think that popularity should be the basis for our freedom, our decisions. Because popular decisions are not always the right ones.
You can manipulate with popularity, that's the problem and that means you can manipulate the truth. One day the truth is popular, the other day it might not be the case.
Truth should always prevail, but with popularity being the VERY BASIS of our system, then truth can't always survive. It's pure logic.
What our system does is that it let's a minority to fool the majority into thinking that they have the say, power to change etc. The majority gets fooled by minority to legislate what "needs to be legislated". It's quite easy to fool the majority because unfortunately the majority will always be dumb enough to not notice the deception. It's the 80/20 rule. Obviously 80% of the population is not the top of the pyramid when it comes to intelligence and knowledge, it's not about me trying to put anyone down, but just to state the fact, that there is high probability of that majority, that 80% is not superior in it's knowledge and ability to notice deception as a whole(not on an individual level).
And that majority elects the ones who will get the final word, who will make decisions etc. It might seem just but it's just a deception, deception of freedom, deception of freedom of choice. Big fucking deception. I don't think we need to be governed the way we are governed now.
Our society, our system could be built up so, that the decisions of the deciders, politicians, call them however you like, will have an error detection and correction system built in it's decision tree. The error detection is too weak at the moment IMO and it's not based on science, logic, any of that rational, mathematical stuff, that can always guarantee the correct answer (i hope, a logical answer at least).
So, to sum it all up- current system does not give you the power to change because you can vote- it's the way to take your power away! It's just a way to deceive human mind that it's not enslaved while in fact we are very much enslaved. Deception.

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